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EarthSky Voices

Are we poised to understand fast radio bursts?

Will we soon understand fast radio bursts? Two NASA X-ray telescopes recently observed one shortly before and after it occurred. Magnetars could be the bursts' source.

‘String of pearls’ star clusters form when galaxies collide

This beautiful galaxy is one of many that Hubble has observed showing a 'string of pearls.' When galaxies collide, it forms star clusters in the tidal tails.

El Niño is weakening. What will happen next?

El Niño helped contribute to extreme weather and warm temperatures in 2023. Now that it is weakening, what changes may be in store for 2024?

Did black holes come before galaxies at the beginning of time?

New research using James Webb Space Telescope data says that black holes might have formed soon after the Big Bang, predating galaxies and stars.

Underground nuclear tests now 99% detectable

New science is now able to detect 99% of underground nuclear tests, which will help keep tests from being conducted in secret.

Death Star moon Mimas has a hidden ocean

Saturn's little moon Mimas has now become the smallest of the known moons in our solar system harboring a hidden ocean of liquid water beneath an icy surface.

Why is the 2024 Lunar New Year so late? Blame the moon

The reason the 2024 Lunar New Year falls so late is the date of new moon and how it aligns with spring in the Chinese calendar.

What is orbital resonance? A dance between heavenly bodies

What is orbital resonance? It's a precise dance between heavenly bodies when their orbits line up, causing them to have specific synchronicities.

Light pollution causes insects to lose track of the sky

Insects get confused by artificial lighting, thinking it's the sky, and exhaust themselves flying around the light source. What can you do to help?

The moon is shrinking, causing moonquakes near planned Artemis landing sites

The moon is shrinking and causing moonquakes and faults near its south pole. But this region is important for future Artemis missions because of ice.