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Eliot Herman
Tucson AZ
06:45 am

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Venus-Mars conjunction planning shot session. I set up my telescope and the morning before the conjunction I assessed the altitude of Venus above the horizon and growing glow of breaking dawn to plan the shot. While outside checking the set up the local owl decided to land on a nearby mesquite and watch my activities. This is not unusual my astronomy attracts the local wildlife audience, with the Javelina and checking out the night activities, the hummingbirds watching my solar observations, and often the Night Hawks buzz me and my telescope at dusk and dawn, and I have had my altercations with large spiders over who has rights to use the telescope space, posted in Earthsky. In season I have to watch for rattlesnakes around the telescope. Note the owl in the tree and Venus to the owl's right. I think this is the same owl that sometimes sits on my meteor camera posted in Earthsky