Did black holes come before galaxies at the beginning of time?

New research using James Webb Space Telescope data says that black holes might have formed soon after the Big Bang, predating galaxies and stars.

Death Star moon Mimas has a hidden ocean

Saturn's little moon Mimas has now become the smallest of the known moons in our solar system harboring a hidden ocean of liquid water beneath an icy surface.

New supernova explodes in a galaxy in Virgo

Steven Bellavia caught before and after images of galaxy NGC 4216, which is currently hosting a new supernova. Learn how he did it here.

Isolated dwarf galaxy puzzles astronomers

Astronomers using the Webb telescope discovered an isolated dwarf galaxy 98 million light-years away. Contrary to expectations, it is not forming new stars.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory to cut 8% of workforce this week

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - for decades a leader in robotic exploration of the planets in our solar system - will cut 8% of its workforce this week.

Asteroid that exploded in German skies is rare aubrite

Scientists analyzing the meteorites left behind by the asteroid that hit Germany said that they are a rare type known as an aubrite.

What is orbital resonance? A dance between heavenly bodies

What is orbital resonance? It's a precise dance between heavenly bodies when their orbits line up, causing them to have specific synchronicities.

Wow! See 19 spiral galaxies in stunning new Webb images

NASA's Webb Space Telescope has taken stunning new images of 19 spiral galaxies. Besides being breathtaking to look at, they are rich in science data.

Webb sees a cat’s tail in Beta Pictoris

Astronomers using the Webb space telescope discovered a cat's tail in Beta Pictoris, one of the best-known and most fascinating star systems.

New stamps feature Webb images of the cosmos!

Two new stamps feature Webb images of our amazing universe. The U.S. Postal Service issued them on January 22, 2024, to celebrate Webb's incredible mission.