Bottom line: Sun activity archive for February 2023. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
Bottom line: Sun activity archive for October 2022. A daily record of flaring, big filaments and prominences, and other sorts of activity, on our local star.
Michael Maimone is an assistant editor for EarthSky and has always had a strong passion for communicating scientific complexity in a way that could easily be understood by anyone. Michael graduated from Penn State University in 2019 with dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Planetary Science & Astronomy and Meteorology & Atmospheric Science. He has experience in radio astronomy research with the Green Bank Observatory and even as a mission operations specialist for NASA’s Curiosity and Perseverance Mars rovers. He is currently working towards a master’s degree in systems engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.